Thursday, September 18, 2008

Listening to the Unspoken Words

They say that over 75% of communication is nonverbal, which means body language, gestures, tone of voice, facial expressions, and often just the unspoken words.
I have been trying to Be Slow to Speak, Listen More Closely, and Open my ears to try to understand the unspoken. It is really difficult, speculating, guessing, wondering what would be said if for some reason it could.
Listening without trying to come up with my two sense to add to the conversation is something I am trying to make a conscious effort to do. What are the unspoken words that others are often communicating without the spoken words. If I don't learn to wait, watch, and listen to my inner Holy Spirit, I often don't have a clue. I am learning to ask God to reveal to me how to listen with a compassionate heart, to look beyond what is directly in front of me, and uncover the mystery of the unspoken words.
I encourage you all to ask God, How can I be more aware of the treasure being communicated in between the spoken words.

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