Monday, April 14, 2008


Originally uploaded by montoyabre
Chillie is supervising the action. Spencer chasing OC (the cat), trying to pick her up. All Chillie wants to do is return to his nap.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Conformed or Transformed, You Choose

Ok, so I am trying to still get back into the swing of things after two nights and most of two days away from my boys, all of them, and going away to a retreat with other women. What a timely experience.
What an amazing God we love and follow. I was witness to many women who had been conformed into the pattern of this world and everything that has left it's mark on them throughout their life, and leave with healing and restoration from the hurt and betrayal this world leaves upon us over time.
One of the things we learned was the difference between Conform and Transform.
Conform is actually defined as "change in form", fashioned, formed after a pattern. The word picture is one of how they make coins. The metal is pressed with an image, from a mold. The substance or material is changed from one form to another. Same substance. This would be an external change.
Transform actually means to be changed into something entirely different. A change in the essence of something and that which we cannot do it ourselves. Something "supernatural" needs to take place. The word Transform has its' roots in Metamorphoo, which in our English language leads to Metamorphosis.
When I think of Metamorphosis, I picture the process of the Caterpillar which goes into the cocoon and is transformed into a Butterfly. Something entirely different.
Romans 12:2 says, "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed through the renewing of your mind so that you prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect."
Only God can renew our minds into His character and image. We have to stop believing the lies that the world tries to sell us all. They are empty, unfulfilling, and fruitless. We strive and strive and even if we lack for nothing in our relationships and possessions, there will still be a sense of "there must be something more".
I challenge you to be transformed if you are discontent with this life. Allow God to transform your mind based on the truth of who He is and Who you are to Him. A relational God, He knows your name, He knows all that you have experienced and will experience in your life. It's up to us to take the step and choose to believe and then learn how He desires to relate to us in a very personal and intentional way. He won't force you to believe in Him. He loves you just the same but will not intervene in your life without your direct permission. I was reminded recently that "a touch from God doesn't cause harm to us". He is a Good God, a God of Justice and Truth, a God of Love.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Superman Capes, My Horse, and Cops

I must put in an update on the boys. We are in the full swing of life with two lively little rugrats, continually charming their ways into our hearts and out of trouble, and bringing a new meaning to "experiencing life to the fullest".
So as some of you many know we are very much into "Public Safety" in our home. We love fireman, policeman, state patrol, Army soldiers, and of course our Protector Angels.
We have police uniforms, fireman outfits, handcuffs, whistles, night sticks, flashlights, foam swords, superman capes, and guns made out of everything from fingers to toothbrushes. Little boys amaze me with the innate nature of the adventure they play out everyday. Spencer is our riskier, test the limits kind of kid. Cole is more of the cautious risk taker.
We have been playing cops in our home for months. Recently Cole showed me the new type of "cops" they were playing. Cole says, "Mom watch this." and proceeds to yell at the top of his lungs, "Spencer Run!!" Which Spencer, barefeet, pullup clad with socks and crocs, a "Go Ducks" shirt and hair sticking up on one side from nap, takes off like there's no tomorrow. All of a sudden, Cole yells, "GET DOWN ON THE GROUND, PUT YOUR HANDS BEHIND YOUR BACK!!" I watched, kind of perplexed and stunned at the same time, as Cole crashed into the side of Spencer, Spencer immediately dropped to the ground, put his hands behind his back and then Cole proceeded to put his knee in his back and handcuff him". Off to Jail they went, which was under the kitchen table, and then Spencer proceeded to escape. Then it was round 2 and 3 and 4 and 5. I was wondering, where did they get this from. I felt compelled to do my good mom job and inform Cole that cops did not chase the "bad guys", knock them down so roughly. He quickly turned to me and said, "They do on Cops mom." You know "Bad Boys Bad Boys whatcha Gonna Do, Whatcha Gonna Do When they Come for You."
Unbeknownst to me, on Tuesday nights when I have Bible Study, the boys are watching cops with daddy. I just shook my head and thought, of course, all of the people are fleeing from the police on cops, that's why it's on TV. So the song has continued, in some interesting settings, and I keep thinking "Whatcha Gonna Do?" So when Spencer started singing the theme song during church prayer time, I guess he was praying for the "Bad Boys". Kinda humorous, but a good lesson in what might not be appropriate for a 2 1/2 and 5 year old.
Spencer calls Chillie, our Golden Retriever, His Horse. He grabs poor Chillie under the collar and hauls him around the house, saying "My horse, My horse, Ride my horse." I think Chillie knows to avoid any of the furniture that Spencer could use to help him actually get on him to ride him. Oh well, the joys of childhood make believe and the things our pets endure. Although, I do think Chillie and Spencer have an agreement. It's the "I'll let you think I'm your horse as long as you continue to feed me when mom and dad aren't looking."
So off off and away, the capes are flying around our home as well. Cole looked out the window the other day and make the remark, "I need to get my cape mom, it's windy outside and I can't wait to feel like I'm really flying."
What would it be like if I showed up to work with the supermom cape on, it's kind of windy outside right now, it might be fun to fun and feel like I'm flying. When is it that we lose our ability to do things like that, without the fear of what others think about us. Hmmm, somedays, I would like to be that free again.
So I'm off off and away, to be Supermom for another day.

Cautiously Optimistic, Excited Anticipation

Well, let's see, the weather today, sunny, partly cloudy, mostly clear blue skies and getting warmer by the minute. Tuesday, we woke up to 1 1/2 inches of snow, with snow falling throughout the day. Winter has been long this season. Yet this weekend it is "supposed to" be in the low 70's. Of course everyone is cautiously optimistic, hopeful for the accuracy of the weather forecast, yet not completely ecstatic, not wanting to be yet again disappointed with the uncertainty of the "micro-climate" of the Central Oregon Cascades. So when Saturday arrives, the sun is shining, and the warmth of the day increases as the briskness of the morning wanes, the people will again come out in multitudes to enjoy the warmth that the sun and warm temperatures bring. People will peel off the layers of down clothing, long pants, wool socks, and flannel pajamas. Out will come the shorts, flip flops, bikes with bike trailers, frisbees, and lawn furniture. Ok, I may be getting a little ahead of myself. What I am looking forward to is hearing the sounds of the neighborhoods coming awake again after the winter hibernation. The sounds of kids laughter, people doing yardwork, skateboards and skooters rolling down the sidewalks, and eventually the familiar songs from the ice cream truck making its rounds through the streets.
Of course, it could snow again before the long term warm weather hits, but we like to think that we are over the hump and on our way to the months of leaves on the trees, green grass, and the beauty of the place we live. I think we may have snow that stays on the mountains this year throughout the heat of the summer. The river will be full, the mosquitoes will have not survived (cautiously optimistic), and Cultus Lake will be colder than usual.
Cole can't wait for summer and then football season. First game of the season is Huskies vs. Ducks at Autzen. I don't blame him for being excited for the warm weather and how each season leads into the next.
It's a lot like the seasons of our lives personally. Sometimes we feel like we've had a cold hard winter, heavy layers of snow that just keep stacking upon each other, and the desire to hibernate until the warmth of spring draws us out once again. We just have to notice the signs and respond to come out and take a look at what the new season has brought. So what are the signs we need to notice that there has been a definite change from one season to the next. It will always be gradual, small incremental changes, some obvious, others occur at the preparation of the soil stage. Which when you think about it, occurs throughout the different seasons, a layering of preparation, the necessary stages and portions of decay and growth. What are the areas in our lives, unseen to the visible eye that are necessary for the next season? Something to think about.
I'm sure I will continue to ruminate on these things as I go on a retreat this weekend. Some time away from the boys, some time of laughter, tears, and learning, some time to be alone and still with God, and some time of joining in with other women needing some transformation and renewal for the next season. I am anticipating receiving what it is that God knows I need for "now", the things needing pruning, the decay that needs it's nutrients tilled into the new ground, the seeds sprouting new growth that had been planted in seasons past. They were waiting for the timing of all the variables to come together for this moment in this season of my life. Unexplainable with words at times. I am experiencing the Joy of what God has created me for in this life.