Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Calling in the Reinforcements

The Odyssey continues as you all know. With the excitement of last night including a bout of irregular heartrate with it reaching the 180's, they started a new IV with a new med to get that under control. That bit of excitement started about 1:00 am, John called for Diane to come down to the hospital and then an hour later Jason wanted me to come also. It scared him and John nonetheless and needed some good reassurance that everything was going to be ok. The doctor assured him that it was normal for the first 4-6 weeks to have irregular heart rates. We will just have to keep an eye on it and get him the doctor or ER in the event it happens at home. So back to bed at 4:00 for me, Diane finished the night shift and we switched again around 11:30am.
So the new possible discharge date may be over the weekend. We should be able to travel home on Monday as planned. Betsy will stay an extra day and we decided this morning instead of flying in someone to help with Spencer over the weekend we are flying my friend Tracy down to transport him home on Saturday morning to be with Cole and my parents until we get home. What a blessing to have so many people willing to step in at any moment to help us during this time. Tracy will fly in Friday morning and be with Spencer all day.
Jason's spirits are a bit down today, he is very overwhelmed with not feeling good, and sick and tired of it all. His mouth sores have not gotten much better although he is a trooper and forcing himself to eat some. The Dilatid is making him sick and have hallucinations so we have changed his pill med to Oxycontin which is a longer lasting (12hr) pill that will hopefully work better than the percocet and help him get off the Dilatid completely. Prayers for pain control, healing for all of the other ailments are much appreciated. Pray also for Jason's mood to lift. We are getting an order to take him outside this afternoon to sit in the shade. Hopefully a little fresh air will give him a boost.
It's hard to see him so much in pain, frustrated, tearful, and generally feeling quite bad when a week ago we walked in here with him feeling strong and healthy. Although we do know now that his heart wasn't healthy although he felt good on the outside.
I continue to thank God for His continual hand in all that is going on here. I know he is holding Jason tight and giving him hope for the future with our family.
God Bless to everyone.

1 comment:

Brynn, Ben, Maggie, Will and Tatum said...

GOODNESS... I can't even begin to comprehend the magnitude of everything you are going through... even though, Bre, you are doing a FANTASTIC job at keeping us up to speed! Such a blessing Tracy could come and take care of sweet Spencer! Let Jason know that Maggie has been asking about him... she can't wait to have you all home too!

Love... Brynn