Monday, March 05, 2007

Cole's Fourth Birthday

Well we all survived the bowling party with 9 kids bowling, eating pizza, cake, presents, games, and then the grand fanale of bowling. Of the nine bowlers, 7 were five and under. THe dads deserve an award for the most patient handling of pink and orange bowling balls, trying to keep everyone on task and in the right lanes, as well as keeping the girls twirling on their shoes. It was fun. Cole enjoyed it and was so excited to finally be four this morning. By the evening birthday phone calls from relatives he was actually 4 1/2.
Spencer got a hold of the clippers and had taken a couple of good chunks out before I got it out of his hands. We say that Zorro struck because it looks like the "Z" on the front side of his hair. A come over doesn't even cover it so we will just have to let it grow in.
Jason continues to get stronger and healthier all of the time. He has been cleared by his cardiologist to do pretty much everything he was doing before. He is now starting to rock climb at the local gym, has been running 6 miles 5 days a week and turned his coke and doritos in for daily salads and healthy food.
I continue to work for the county doing safe school assessments and am continually amazed how increasingly serious the person to person crimes are becoming at the schools. Scary doesn't even begin to cover it. Well, at least it gives me the platform to talk about what our community needs to better help these high risk situations.
Enough of that serious talk. I will post a picture of the birthday bash as soon as I edit the pictures.
As for now, we continue to press on and daily thank God for the many blessings shown and given to us.

1 comment:

Brynn, Ben, Maggie, Will and Tatum said...

Bre... I love the blog! I love the stories... especially since I had to leave before the bowling started... lucky me! I'll be caling you... b