Monday, July 03, 2006

Officially Home

We are all officially home now. We are still getting settled, unpacked, and reacquainted with our house and what we need to do around here.
We are happy to be home and ready to get into a "normal" routine again. I have to say that the kids have done well and all those who have cared for them have done great at keeping them on their schedules and routines.
Spencer continues to be getting new teeth as well as showing us all of the new tricks that everyone has been teaching him. Cole is running around in his new pajamas that have the superman cape on the back. So for all of you who may be talking to Cole, he has informed me he is ""Super Cole, when wearing his uniform!"
The main obstacle we are facing right now at home is that our air conditioner is broken and the forecast is for more hot weather. The TV channel said it is already 84 and it's only 9:00. So the AC guys are coming out to save the day. Of course, Jason is walking around the house wrapped up in a blanket because his inner thermostat has yet to regulate and his body temperature fluctuates so much during the day.
Call us, email us, and call to see if Jason is up for any visitors.

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