Thursday, June 29, 2006

What a long strange trip it's been

Hey all,
I have made a break for it and am now sitting in my hotel room. I thought I would take a moment to again thank everyone for everything (literally). I have had many discussions with family members over the last couple and have a few thoughts to share with you. I am hoping that everyone is healthy and can appreciate that. My surgery will force a lifestyle change for the better (i.e. diet). Also this time down here was wonderful in bringing my family closer together and I hope everyone takes time to appreciate theirs. Finally, I beleive Bre mentioned in a post a while back that I woke up under heavy medications and thought I was dead. I was freaked out and thought about two things my wife and boys and my releationship with God. There are a lot of different things I could say now but the main point it that I love them and they love me.
I look forward to seeing you all next week, however, I still need some rest. Please call ahead so I can see you all. Part of my recovery is taking walks and I would love some company.
Love you all,

1 comment:

Brynn, Ben, Maggie, Will and Tatum said...

YEAH!!! We can't wait to have you home and since Ben will be home a lot more this summer with the kids, I think a morning walk around the neighborhood or down at Shevlin will be mandatory...

Jason... you have given us all strength and a reason to count our blessings... see you in a few days!

love... brynn