Friday, June 16, 2006

Resting and waiting for a transfer bed

Nothing much to update this evening. We are waiting still for a transfer bed. It will more than likely happen over the next few days. Jason is resting again and they are trying to get his pain under control so that he can take deeper breaths have stronger coughs and actually get more rest instead of shallow breaths and small coughs due to pain and then being continually exhausted. He still has pain on his lower left shin which they put a lidocaine patch on. It is the big mystery as to what happened during surgery to cause the pain. Justin has made pen marks on his leg so that we can see if it is getting worse or changing for the better. We will know better tomorrow. The X-ray showed nothing. His chest x-rays are good so far and they will do another in the morning. His nurses today have been great, a bit more lenient with family visits lasting a bit longer. We will see him one more time tonight and then be back again in the am. I will actually stay home a bit longer in the am until Cole and my parents are on their way. He has been having a hard time with his mom being in and out and not being able to see his daddy. He had a melt down last night and needed my mom to sleep next to him. Spencer was then up from 3:30-5:30 am. He is teething so trying to give him tylenol for the pain. Needless to say we are all due for a good rest and peaceful sleep. Please pray for Jason's pain to get under control, his leg pain to go away so he can put weight on his leg and get up and around, and a good rest tonight. The same request for sleep and rest for the other family members. We are all holding up well. We are continually grateful for our friends and family and all of the prayers, love, and support. Thank you to everyone.

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