Do you ever find it difficult to get the words out, to explain how you feel on the inside, how you are experiencing the world on the outside, and yet are finding the words not adequate to bring understanding?
I have been at a loss for words to describe the internal shifting that is occurring in my life. I am learning to be silent longer, speak less quickly, and try to understand the unspoken. Sometimes its hard.
So I try to keep the main things the main things, perspective outside of my own little world and bring in the larger picture, to better understand me, my experiences, and the choices I make.
Isn't there really more to this life than living and dying? Does everyone have an internal pressing drive to make a difference in a world that seems to get worse and worse everyday.
There are over 143 million orphans in the world. That bothers me on a lot of different levels. Each of those 143 million, are a person, a life, some of them forgotten, left to navigate the world on their own. Others may be brought into orphanages.
I joined some people who want to make a difference. Amani Life Project. Extend your heart, your passion to make this life something worth living for to someone who may not feel they have much to live for. This is something we all have in common, Knowing Hurt and having Dreams.
Today I’m going to unplug everything but
10 years ago
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