Have you ever just sat and listened, in the moment without contributing your own thoughts or spoken words for that matter. Is it eavesdropping? I don't know, I guess that all depends on the moment and the information, and the motivation behind listening in. Right now, I am listening to the banter of communication between the three boys in my family. The dad voice that is ever explaining and guiding, creatively defining in different terms so that there is mutual understanding. The ever present questioning of "why things are the way they are and how we know the things we know." I think the most difficult things to put into words are those things we're not really sure of the history or origin of understanding, just more of the "I know that I know because I know" kind of explanations. You know in your knower. Yet that isn't really clear, more vague and subjective, not linear and fact based.
That's how it seems to be even more as I learn to live as God as my guide. I know what I've experienced, I know what I know about God based on my relationship with Him. I know God through others telling me of their experiences and it resonating with a resounding, "I know what your talking about" from deep within. Then I guess there are more tangibles yet still subjective, the feelings of peace, love, calm, love, forgiveness, self-control, patience. It's more apparent when I experience these things when everything from my past experience has felt and acted otherwise, when typically it isn't my habit to feel the aforementioned feelings in a given type of circumstance, yet it comes in like God has pushed the override button, and shown me His ability from within me to respond differently. It's amazing when it happens,, makes you want to shake your head back and forth and smile. God is faithful to transform us from the inside out. It's a good day when there is a little bit more of God shining through with His love and compassion, His justice and mercy, than my way of living in the moment even with my best intentions.
So i am taking time to listen, for the familiar voice of My Father in Heaven to guide me into truth and be led with His intention and heart in our difficult world. So take the time to listen, to eavesdrop on God.
Today I’m going to unplug everything but
10 years ago