Well, let's see, the weather today, sunny, partly cloudy, mostly clear blue skies and getting warmer by the minute. Tuesday, we woke up to 1 1/2 inches of snow, with snow falling throughout the day. Winter has been long this season. Yet this weekend it is "supposed to" be in the low 70's. Of course everyone is cautiously optimistic, hopeful for the accuracy of the weather forecast, yet not completely ecstatic, not wanting to be yet again disappointed with the uncertainty of the "micro-climate" of the Central Oregon Cascades. So when Saturday arrives, the sun is shining, and the warmth of the day increases as the briskness of the morning wanes, the people will again come out in multitudes to enjoy the warmth that the sun and warm temperatures bring. People will peel off the layers of down clothing, long pants, wool socks, and flannel pajamas. Out will come the shorts, flip flops, bikes with bike trailers, frisbees, and lawn furniture. Ok, I may be getting a little ahead of myself. What I am looking forward to is hearing the sounds of the neighborhoods coming awake again after the winter hibernation. The sounds of kids laughter, people doing yardwork, skateboards and skooters rolling down the sidewalks, and eventually the familiar songs from the ice cream truck making its rounds through the streets.
Of course, it could snow again before the long term warm weather hits, but we like to think that we are over the hump and on our way to the months of leaves on the trees, green grass, and the beauty of the place we live. I think we may have snow that stays on the mountains this year throughout the heat of the summer. The river will be full, the mosquitoes will have not survived (cautiously optimistic), and Cultus Lake will be colder than usual.
Cole can't wait for summer and then football season. First game of the season is Huskies vs. Ducks at Autzen. I don't blame him for being excited for the warm weather and how each season leads into the next.
It's a lot like the seasons of our lives personally. Sometimes we feel like we've had a cold hard winter, heavy layers of snow that just keep stacking upon each other, and the desire to hibernate until the warmth of spring draws us out once again. We just have to notice the signs and respond to come out and take a look at what the new season has brought. So what are the signs we need to notice that there has been a definite change from one season to the next. It will always be gradual, small incremental changes, some obvious, others occur at the preparation of the soil stage. Which when you think about it, occurs throughout the different seasons, a layering of preparation, the necessary stages and portions of decay and growth. What are the areas in our lives, unseen to the visible eye that are necessary for the next season? Something to think about.
I'm sure I will continue to ruminate on these things as I go on a retreat this weekend. Some time away from the boys, some time of laughter, tears, and learning, some time to be alone and still with God, and some time of joining in with other women needing some transformation and renewal for the next season. I am anticipating receiving what it is that God knows I need for "now", the things needing pruning, the decay that needs it's nutrients tilled into the new ground, the seeds sprouting new growth that had been planted in seasons past. They were waiting for the timing of all the variables to come together for this moment in this season of my life. Unexplainable with words at times. I am experiencing the Joy of what God has created me for in this life.
Today I’m going to unplug everything but
10 years ago
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