You never know what type of weather Central Oregon will bring since we do live in a "microclimate" area. Whatever that means. So I am trying to update more often to let everyone know what's going on with our family....
Cole just turned 5 which I can hardly believe. I know everyone has always told me that time goes by quickly and to cherish the time you have because before you know it they will be gone on their own. Cole reminded me the other day that he wouldn't be living with me forever but he would definitely visit.
Spencer is just constantly on the go. He usually has a big smile on his face and running through the house. We are looking forward to spring time weather so they both can ride their bikes and spend time outside more often.
Jason will be finished working on the mountain in April and will be home with the boys, working occasionally until raft season gets gearing up again. I will be off for the summer in June.
I just recently read the book, The Shack by William Young. A fiction book based on some real life elements?? It's hard to know. It had some very challenging areas for me to take in. I am still digesting the elements around inner healing, forgiveness, and where God is when hard things, bad things, really horrendous things happen in life. I would recommend it to anyone wanting a non-traditional, even non-religious approach to having a relationship with God outside of theology, rules, laws, commandments, etc.
I am continually reminded of the miraculous of everyday life, whether it be the beauty of the snow capped mountains at sunrise, to the amazing wonder of a child as he grows and learns to love. I am blessed and continuing on this journey of life through being a wife, daughter, sister, mother, friend, family member to all those I encounter.
I am spending more time in quiet contemplation, listening more, and waiting in the presence of God before I quickly fill up my day with all of the expectations and responsibilities I think are required of me. God gently leads me to the important things and is teaching me, not only to let go of my expectations of how I think things "should be" but to allow Him to bring light to the areas where He needs me. I will learn to wait with the expectancy of God showing up and guiding me, if I will allow, to the moments, interactions, kind words, shared pain, and unspoken understanding He brings me into throughout each day. Not just so I can feel good about reaching out to others or allowing others to share something that may benefit me, but to know where His hand is in those moments so I can know Him, His love, and His Sovereignty. Only God will know how it all ultimately plays out. I have faith He will draw all those pursuing truth, to the Truth of His love, His Justice, and provide the divine revelation of who Jesus is and was, from the beginning to the end.
Today I’m going to unplug everything but
10 years ago